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2013 Top 20 Educational Security Blogs Award


Institutions of higher learning are often on the forefront of both research and practical matters of computer or network security; schools are one of the top targets for online scams such as phishing.

Here are the winners of the 2013 Top 20 Educational Security Blogs Award which spans a list as diverse as it is deep. Winners include well-known schools such as Stanford and Harvard, to more specialized programs such as Northwest Missouri State University.

Congratulations to all the winners and here’s wishing all schools best of luck in the continuing war on networks and computers!

Preventing and Removing Spyware – Boston University Information Services and Technology

Boston University Information Services and TechnologyFocused solely on spyware, adware and malware, the Information Services and Technology department site provides users background information on most types of spyware, as well as free downloads for detection and protection software.


IT@ Brown: Beware Bogus Spyware Protection – Brown University

Brown UniversityRather than focusing on the spyware that infiltrates computers, the Brown University IT Department alerts readers about the fake spyware detection and clean up programs available online. Programs include Antivirus360, SpywareGuard and MalwareDefender 2009. Handy screen shots give visual examples of these programs and the side bars on the pages help navigate to other topics posted, such as computer jargon definitions and techniques to save you time while working.


Wombat Security – Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon UniversityOwned by Carnegie Mellon University’s Professor Jason Hong with the collaboration of numerous tech gurus, Wombat Security’s blog is a valuable resource for all things computer security. Using real life examples of spyware/malware, Wombat teaches readers from others mistakes. Recent posts include “How the Syrian Electronic Army Hacked the Onion” and “Are Passwords Dead?”.


Protecting Your Computer from Spyware/Information Technologies – The College of St. Scholastica

The College of St. ScholasticaOriginally written for the students of the Minnesota based university, this resource is packed full of information on spyware, adware and malware, as well as links to programs that can help detect and solve most computer problems related to viruses.


Division of Information Technology Security Blog, George Washington University

George Washington UniversityThe Division of Information Technology Security Blog produced by George Washington University is packed full of invaluable information for every computer user. It outlines possible companies whose names have been used in phishing scams, and tips on how to avoid falling prey to them.


Complexity and Social Networks Blog – Harvard University

Harvard UniversityThe Complexity and Social Networks Blog, edited by David Lazer, offers readers information on the different aspects of social networking, including spyware/adware/malware threats. The site also calls for participants in surveys for research purposes, commentary on government and the use of social networking sites, as well as posts from guest bloggers. Recent posts include “Visualization of Emotional Content of Tweets near the Marathon”, and “Studying Hurricane Sandy via Your Mobile Phone”.


Protect U – Indiana University

Indiana UniversityThe Protect U blog on the Indiana University website is an extension of the Office of Information Technology. Utilizing side bar navigation, the site provides information on various topics including spyware, adware and malware, as well as tips to keep your computer at its safest, such as enabling a firewall and disabling auto run. Most recently, they have posted entries entitled “Vulnerability in Symantec Endpoint Protection” and “Zero Day Java 7 Vulnerability”.


InfoSec Blog – Marshall University

Marshall UniversityThe Marshall University InfoSec Blog packs a punch when it comes to internet and computer safety. With a section dedicated specifically to spyware, the blog outlines a number of ways to protect your computer and resources to learn more. While some posts are geared towards Marshall Students and staff, the information is pertinent to anyone using a computer who is looking to get the best performance. Some recent blog posts include “Anti-Virus Protection for Windows 8 and Apple Mac OS 10.8” and “Common Sense Security for Your iPhone”.


Technically Speaking – Northwest Missouri State University

Northwest Missouri State UniversityFilled with interesting tips and facts, Technically Speaking is the place to go for a quick read. The website not only provides information on malware, spyware and adware, but also product reviews and services. Recent posts include “I’m a Mac, and I’m a PC”, and “Better than a Touch Screen?” written by staff and students of Client Computing Technology.


School of Technology Blog – Rasmussen College

Rasmussen CollegeThe School of Technology Blog is a different kind of blog. While it offers valuable information in regards to spyware, adware and malware, it also serves as a resource for those looking to find out more about technology and technology related careers. In addition, they offer visitors to the site tutorials on popular Microsoft Office programs such as Excel, as well as articles about trends in technology. Previous posts include “5 Women who are Revolutionizing the Tech Industry” and “How to Write Excel Formulas”.


MCoyle’s Blog – Rutgers University

Rutgers UniversityAs part of the IT Department, the MCoyle Blog is a vast reference page for all things software. Covering topics from spyware to mobile apps and illegal downloading. Some of the most recent posts include “Phishing, Scam and Compromise Warning” and “Keeping Safe with Mobile Apps.” We don’t know who MCoyle is, but we thank him/her for this great resource!


Security Musings – SANS Technology Institute

SANS Technology InstituteWritten by Stephen Northcutt, a manager and leader in the information technology field, Security Musings provides readers with helpful tips and resources for all computer related needs. Northcutt also features a series on Information Security and travel, based on his many hours logged on business trip and reviews on the best hotels for conferences. Some of the most recent posts include “Market Investment Strategies for Busy People” and “Musings: Ethics”.


Information Security Blog – Stanford University School of Medicine

Stanford University School of MedicineThe Stanford University School of Medicine Information Security blog takes a look at a vast majority of email spyware/adware/malware that is commonly mistaken for legitimate mail. Facebook and LinkedIn phishing scams are addressed, as well as some of the most common threats. Posting titles are descriptive and to the point, making information quick and easy to find. Some of the most recent posts include “Seriously, A Wire Transfer?” and “Debunking Some Common Cyber Security Myths”.


FOX MIS – Fox School of Business, Temple University

Temple UniversityThe Fox MIS site is chock full of research and commentary by instructors of current events in security and technology that makes this a worthy visit for academics and the casual reader alike. Recent posts include “Security Breach? Hire a Certified Ethical Hacker” by Michael C Wallendjack, “The Power of Social Media and Digital Security” by Andrew Wibble.


Texas Agrilife Security – Texas A&M

Texas A&MTexas Agrilife Security is a resource that has been overlooked for too long. Providing its readers with software updates and new releases, they are constantly in the forefront of the computer protection game. Popular posts include “Zero Day Vulnerability for Adobe Acrobat and Reader Currently Being Exploited” and “Advance Notice of May Microsoft Patches-To be Released Tuesday, May 14”.


Security Center – University of Massachusetts, Amherst

University of Massachusetts, AmherstRun by the Office of Information Technology, the Security Center sources are easily indexed on the main page and offer users easy access to some of the most popular spyware/adware technology available. They also give quick tips for computer security (like changing passwords at Daylight Savings Time) and information for people in the communities around Amherst.


The USF Information Technology Services Blog – University of San Francisco

University of San FranciscoThe ITS blog serves as an information portal for students of USF, but also has a vast amount of information for all users looking to gain knowledge on important computer issues and trends. Covering topics ranging from the latest spyware threats and secure online shopping sites to reviews on Google Drive, the ITS blog has something for everyone. Interesting posts include “80% of Jobs are Found through Networking, LinkedIn Can Help” and “Be Careful What You Like; It May Say More Than You Intended”.


University Information Technology Site – University of Southern California (USC)

University of Southern CaliforniaThe USC Information Technology Office produces this site as resource to university students and curious computer users alike. The site offers valuable information in regards to spyware, malware and adware, in addition to the latest updates available for commonly used computer programs. Easy to navigate side menus puts the information you are looking for right at your fingertips. Post include “Security updates for iTunes”, “End of Support Date for Windows XP”, and “Before You click that Link”.


Internet Skeptics Blog – Utah State University

Utah State UniversityThe Internet Skeptics Blog, written and posted by the Office of Information Technology, is a resource for every computer user. Topics go into detail about spyware, especially phishing schemes and how hackers can get into your computer. The Internet Skeptics Blog leaves no stone unturned in the world of internet scammers. Recent posts include “Anatomy of a Successful Phish” and “Security Tips for Google Chrome”, written by Bob Bayn.


Office of Information Technology Blog – West Virginia University

West Virginia UniversityThis blog focuses primarily on all kinds of computer scams, from spyware/adware, to hacking of social media accounts. It also offers free resources to readers, including free photo editing software and how to delete old data from smart phones. Some of the most recent posts include “How to Track a Lost Computer with Find My Mac” and “Recycle Your Old Smartphone”.


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